Table Top Exercise (TTX)

TTX SICC Series CBRNe Conference 2023

Dear colleagues,


The SICC Series CBRNe Conference 2023 will host as side event a Table Top Exercise planned for the afternoon of 26th September 2023 from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.


 The TTX will be coordinated by Dr. Michael Ian Thornton with the support, as facilitators, of: Dr. Alba Iannotti, Dr. Colomba Russo, Dr. Riccardo Quaranta, and Dr. Grace P. Xerri. 


 The persons registered to the conference can participate as PLAYER (maximum 30 players) or OBSERVER.


 If you want to participate in the TXX you have to complete the registration and send an email to: by 21st September 2023 specifying if you want to be a PLAYER or an OBSERVER.


Information for those who wish to experience a CBRN Table-Top Exercise.


 Those who are selected to participate, remembering that there are a limited number of places available, will be part of a team in charge of managing the response to a simulated CBRN incident.


It is not important if you have never played a TTX before, or you have played before and want to play again, all are most welcome.


You will be guided by the facilitators during the whole of the exercise, but players should take note of the following rules to get the most out of the experience.


 Rules of a TTX:

  • Treat the exercise as real. 
  • Don’t fight the scenario.
  • There are no team leaders and everybody on the team should be treated as an equal.
  • Play yourself, but also imagine how you would respond to such an incident. 
  • Participants will be expected to propose solutions based on their knowledge and experience.
  • You are not expected to know everything, feel free to use the internet.
  • Work as a team.
  • Enjoy yourself.

If you prefer, feel free to come along and just watch the action.


The TTX will take place in Building F – Floor 1 Room 22 “Tosi Beleffi.”